How Novartis is encouraging employees to speak up
Novartis is committed to creating a safe workplace where associates have equal opportunities to succeed and an environment free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation, as well as free from bullying and incivility. This is a safe place to speak up, get support and do the right thing. With this pourpose, a team of highly qualified professionals is dedicated to investigate and assess employee concerns, and bring consequences where misconduct is confirmed with assurance of non-retaliation from management and others. Novartis' SpeakUp Office acts as a conduit for reports of wrongdoing from both inside and outside the company. Anyone can file a complaint through electronic mail, telephone, the web, or by visiting the office in person. A third-party provider handles the website and phone lines. The SpeakUp Office is in charge of conducting investigations into all complaints and reporting confirmed incidents of wrongdoing to upper management.