INSPIRIT: Unilever’s quest towards gender-parity
Launched in 2018, INSPIRIT brings together 8 organizations with a common purpose to mobilize collective strength to achieve balance for better. The organizations working together in this cross-industry initiative are: British American Tobacco, Citi N.A Bangladesh, Grameenphone Ltd., HSBC Bank Bangladesh, Nestle Bangladesh, Robi Axiata Limited, Standard Chartered Bank and Unilever Bangladesh.
Under INSPIRIT, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion champions from each organization are cocreating solutions to facilitate greater participation of women in the workforce. Currently, the key priorities for INSPIRIT include improving the infrastructure, such as sanitation and housing facilities across Bangladesh, to reduce barriers for women’s career growth in outstation roles. They are also working towards strengthening women’s leadership development and providing mentorship support with an aim to increase women’s participating in leadership roles across industries.