Unilever Bangladesh: Sustainable inclusion of People with Disabilities
Through various initiatives, Unilever Bangladesh equips business leaders with the capacity to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion. An inclusive workforce includes participation of People with Disabilities (PwDs) and transgenders.
At present, there are more than 30 people with disabilities working with Unilever corporate and field offices. With the commitment to create an inclusive culture, Unilever, in partnership with Aspire to Inovate (a2i )- a multinational digital transformation catalyst from the Government of Bangladesh – is taking initiatives for sensitization at the central office and at the factory.
Interventions such as sensitization workshops highlight the challenges faced by people with disabilities and how Unilever can leverage digital tools to enable an inclusive environment. Through various interactive exercises, the sessions address stereotypical assumptions about people with disabilities and allow participants to experience and empathize with their daily challenges. Additionally, Unilever’s headquarters is designed to be disability friendly including accessible washrooms and assisted support at work.